Youth Justice and Empowerment

The Youth Justice & Opportunities Act (YJ&O) S.3426 (Myrie) / A.4238 (O’Donnell) builds off of New York’s “Raise the Age” statute by creating a new “Young Adult” (YA) status for young people ages 19-25. YJ&O will protect the futures of young people under the age of 26, enhance community well-being, and provide emerging adults the opportunity to move forward in their lives without the barrier of a criminal conviction.

The #Right2RemainSilent campaign champions S.1009 (Bailey) / A.1963 (Joyner)–legislation that requires young people under 18 have the opportunity to consult with a lawyer prior to police interrogation. #Right2RemainSilent will ensure children’s Miranda rights are protected and minimize the risk of harm arising from false confessions